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An essay written by Ari Sofiyanti, Alvi Jauharotus S., Sayyidatul Humairo

Do you still believe that coral reef is a flower? Actually, coral reef is an animal that make a symbiosis with an algae called Zooxanthellae. Indonesian marine has high biodiversity of coral reef and it is belonging to coral triangle area. Raja Ampat is the center of coral reef world diversity with 553 species of 798 species in the world. However, recently coral reef condition is seriously damage. Research by LIPI, the worst damage take place in eastern Indonesia with 4,64% categorized as in the best condition; 21,45% categorized as good condition; 33,62 % in bad condition; and 40,29 % categorized as the worst condition. The high percentage of coral reef damage caused by several factors. Four causes of coral reef damage in Indonesia are water pollution, rising water temperature, ocean acidification and careless tourist.

The first cause of coral reef damage is water pollutions. There are several sources of water pollutions such as oil spilling, poison fishing, and human waste. Pollution contains chemical elements which dangerous for coral reef life. Oil spilled can be variety of materials such as crude oil and petroleum like gasoline. Therefore, the materials of that oil spill interrupt the food chain of coral reef depend. Poison fishing is harmful for sea water because it destroys the marine organic substrate by formed a bond.  Commonly the fisherman use cyanide for fishing. We absolutely know that using cyanide or other poisons can be affecting regulation of human body who consume that poisoning fish.  Accumulation of heavy metals in the ocean from human waste also disrupts corals physiology by denatured the protein. All of these dangerous materials will cause coral reef death in the high concentration. 

Rising of water temperature as the effect of global warming is the second cause due to coral reef’s death. Since coral reef habitat is in the shallow area, water temperature change will affecting this area. The damaging coral reef is showed by bleaching because it losts its symbion or zooxanthellae that gives color to its surface. Corals are animals that are ectothermic and living in isothermal conditions with global temperatures between 18-30 °C. When the temperature is out of their durability, it will kill them.

In addition, ocean acidification can destruct structure of coral reef and inhibit grow rate. Ocean acidification occurs as much as CO2 accumulation in atmosphere. Normally, pH level of sea water is around 8.2 at its surface. When sea water absorbs 1/3 of CO2 in the air, the pH level will decrease and it will be harmful for coral reef. Since coral reef structure contain of CaCO3, low pH level will dissolve its skeleton and decrease it grow rate.  

Furthermore, tourists just enjoy the beauty of coral reef without take care of it existences. It happened in Raja Ampat when people diving and snorkeling then they write their name on the coral reef even they cut off a part of it then they bring it home. Recently national and international news inform to us about tourist Caledonian Sky ship crashes into the reefs at Raja Ampat. The vice presiden of Conservation International Indonesia said more than 13.000 square meters of reefs were destroyed. ( It is difficult to restore the reefs in the short time and especially for the broad area. It’s a normal case that coral reef lead tourist to come in Raja Ampat. That’s great as long as they can keep the responsibility to safe the reef and help the conservation. 

As we know, Indonesia has marine megabiodiversity and it is our business to keep the sustainable. Indonesian scientist and government must collaborate then take an action to protect coral reef. As student, scientist, fisherman, medical care and no matter who we are, keep environmental care is needed for a better future included environment of coral reef. We are as the parts of earth ecosystem have to reduce the causes of coral reef damage such as water pollution, rising water temperature, ocean acidification and careless tourist in order to safe coral reef population in Indonesia.


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KATA PENGANTAR Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan rahmat serta karunia-Nya kepada kami sehingga kami berhasil menyelesaikan laporan prakikum ini yang berjudul “Bioteknologi Konvensional Pembuatan Kue Donat”. Laporan praktikum ini berisikan mengenai pemanfaatan bioteknologi konvensional dalam bidang pangan yaitu dalam pembuatan kue donat, cara-cara pembuatan kue donat, dan referensi mengenai proses fermentasi oleh ragi. Kami me nyadari bahwa laporan praktikum ini masih jauh dari sempurna, oleh karena itu kritik dan saran dari semua pihak yang bersifat membangun selalu kami harapkan demi kesempurnaan laporan praktikum ini. Akhir kata, kami sampaikan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah berperan serta dalam penyusunan laporan praktikum ini dari awal sampai akhir. Semoga Allah SWT senantiasa meridhai segala usaha kita. Amin. Tuban, 18 Februari 2014                                      Penulis BAB I PENDAHULUAN

20 Mei 2014

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Praktikum kimia unsur periode 3

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